If you are anything like me, you spend a lot of time outside in your yard, enjoying our beautiful Summer weather.
I find myself out there enjoying my early morning coffee, a Friday evening glass of wine, and it takes a lot to beat dining al fresco out on the patio.
With that in mind, now is the perfct time to add some glorious, vibrant color to your Paso Robles yard.
Here in Paso Robles, we are zoned as 8b under the USDA classification system, but as zone 7 using the Sunset Magazine zoning system. Please be sure to check what system is on those plant labels, before you purchase plants at the garden center!
Another consideration is the soil. If you have heavy clay soil, as I do, it is important that you amend the soil with lots of compost to improve drainage before planting.
Here are 5 of my favorite Summer-flowering plamts, that, in my experience, do well in our area.
Nile Lily (Agapanthus)

Native to my country of birth, South Africa, these plants bring back such happy memories of my childhood days, so naturally I have them growing in my yard.
Available in various shades of blue, as well as while, these plants are a cooling sight on hot summer days.
Hummingbirds like them too!
The plants tend to die down with the winter frost, but come right back to life in the Spring.
Cone Flower (Echinacea)

These gorgeous perennial plants are part of the daisy family and native to the United States. They come in a variety of colors and put on a spectacular show in mid-Summer.
Day Lilies (Hemerocallis)

Daylillies are really easy to grow, and come in various hues, although yellow daylillies seemed to be the most prolific around my neighborhood.
These are sun loving plants, but will tolerate partial shade as well. They bloom all summer long.
Society Garlic (Tulbaghia)

Another summer flowering plant native to South Africa, Society Garlic, is a vigorous plant and it comes in both a variegated leaf form and a non-variegated leaf form.
They will bloom throughout the summer, but do need to be placed in full sun to enjoy the most prolific flowers.
Sages (Salvia)

Salvias or Sages are easy to grow, perennial plants, and require relatively low maintenance. They thrive in our hot, dry Summers.
There are many different kinds of salvias available, but the most popular ones in our area seem to the Mexican Bush Sage and the Hot Lips Salvia, pictured above.
They can put on a spectacular show, and hummingbirds, butterflies and bees absolutely love them!